MUSE FESTIVAL, 20 - 22 September 2024
A celebration of creativity, community, and connection
Towervoetspore by die Musefees op Grootbrak-rivier
You will find delight in a variety of artists exhibiting works in various mediums, including photographic artworks, wood, bronze, clay, wire sculptures, visual and textile art, as well as glass, ceramics, and jewelry art.
Carpe Musicam! Is the realisation of a dream of the musical partnership of Elsabe Barkhuizen and Norman Carless with the purpose of providing a safe, fun and educational space for young (and not-so-young musicians) in which to learn the not-so-gentle art of orchestral playing.
Award winning actor Reneé van Rensburg with Carel Mouton, explore real-life stories and some with characters that exist in our dreams or on pages but share our pain, anguish, joy, laughter and ultimately, the very things that make us human.
Nurture Nature
Die tema Nurture Nature het organies ontstaan in die vestiging van die Musefees. Dit word op vele vlakke weerspieël in die betrokkenheid van die Great Brak River Conservancy met verskeie aanbiedings by die stasie-tuine.
Heritage Walks in Great Brak, presentations at the Great Brak Museum and a walk to the old Hydro Power Station will be part of our activities.
Master Classes
Take part in enriching Masterclasses led by talented and passionate hosts. An exceptional Masterclass program awaits you, providing numerous opportunities to interact with hosts and participants.
Participate in enriching sessions designed to promote wellness and mindfulness. "The Power of Breath – A Masterclass in Breathing," and a "Demonstration on Singing Bowls," a unique experience that introduces you to soothing and meditative sounds.
Explore a range of engaging activities specifically for the youth, including “AI for Dummies on Your Smartphone”, “Story, Music & Playtime,” and workshops like the “Startup Business Opportunity.” Don’t miss the “DJ Workshop” on Thursday, September 19th, or the “Lees, Musiek & Speeltyd” session. Additionally, join us for a “Conservation: Birds of Prey” event to engage with these magnificent creatures.
The Muse Festival proudly presents the Muse-lin* project, aimed at promoting restaurants in Groot-Brakrivier and fostering economic growth for the town. This initiative includes an annual Muse-lin* competition with a rotating trophy awarded to the winner. The project creates a platform for restaurants to market their businesses and showcase unique dishes. It provides a venue for businesses to promote local products, ingredients, and suppliers, enhancing the community's economic and culinary landscape.
Amanda Botha
Gesels & Power Point-vertoning:
“Huberte Rupert se Suid-Afrikaanse Kunsversameling – die essensie van 20 eeuse kuns”.
21 September 2024
Ilita Lodge

Argivaris van die Afrikaanse kultuur
Amanda Botha is veel meer as net ‘n joernalis; sy is ‘n argivaris van die Afrikaanse kultuur en ‘n kampvegter vir die kunste.
Eietydse Geskiedskrywing
Sy glo sterk in die belangrikheid van betroubare beriggewing as ‘n vorm van eietydse geskiedskrywing.
Skriba van haar tyd
Amanda Botha is ‘n naam wat diep ingebed is in die Afrikaanse kuns- en kultuurwêreld. As joernalis, skrywer, en kunskritikus het sy oor dekades heen ‘n onuitwisbare merk gemaak. Haar bydraes strek oor verskeie domeine, van teater en opera tot die literêre en visuele kunste. Sy is ‘n inspirerende figuur wat as ‘n getuie en skriba van haar tyd beskou word.
Community Project
Mural Wall Painting by Renowned Artist Fourie Ackermann at the Ellen van Rensburg Library
We are thrilled to announce the Muse Community Project for 2024, a vibrant and inspiring initiative that celebrates art, culture, and community.
At the heart of this project is a magnificent mural wall painting by the esteemed artist, Fourie Ackermann. The Ellen van Rensburg Library will serve as the canvas for this captivating artwork, where colors, shapes, and stories will come alive. Join us in embracing creativity, fostering connections, and leaving a lasting legacy through this remarkable collaboration. Stay tuned for updates and be part of the Muse Community Project.

Meer Oor:
"Art is something that makes you breathe with a different kind of happiness." - Fourie
Plaaslike kunstenaar Fourie Ackerman (60) woon op ‘n plaas naby Friemersheim en het in Desember 2020 besluit om die mure van wonings op die dorp met wildlewe te beskilder.
“Ek het besluit om die ou mure te gebruik om iets nuuts te doen. Ek het die huiseienaars gevra of ek dit maar kan doen en hulle was baie in hulle noppies daarmee.”
Fourie en sy vrou het in 2015 vanaf Pretoria na Friemersheim getrek. Hy spesialiseer in die skilder van wildlewe en sê juis omdat Friemersheim so naby aan ‘n wildreservaat geleë is, pas hierdie tipe kuns op die wonings se mure perfek in. (Bron: Mossel Bay Advertiser)
Fees Hoogtepunte
Vanjaar se program gaan vir die natuurliefhebber, historikus, sowel as musiek-, drama- en kunsliefhebbers iets bied. Die jeug kan beslis nader skuif en so ook individue wat hul hand wil slaan aan een van die talle “meester-klas-werksessies” wat aangebied word.
Master Classes
At the Muse Festival, you can immerse yourself in a range of master classes. Explore nature with “Mabu Botanical Studio presents: Flower Press,” and delve into self-expression with “The Power of Poetry: 4 Keys for Self-expression & Therapy.” Satisfy your sweet tooth in the “Art of Chocolate” class, or get tech-savvy with “AI for Dummies on your Smartphone.” Enhance your well-being in “The Power of Breath – A Masterclass in Breathing,” and perfect your culinary skills in “Bread Making & Baking.”
Carpe Musicam Pops Band
Carpe Musicam! Orchestra is a community-based orchestra based in George and is the realization of a dream of the George, South Africa-based musical partnership of Elsabe Barkhuizen and Norman Carless.
Every piece of music that we play is especially arranged and orchestrated for us by Conductor Norman Carless, for our current instrumentation and player skill level. This means that even a player who has only been playing for a few months will have a part that is within their grasp, and which will make a meaningful contribution to the ensemble. Arrangements are continually being updated to suit the current instrumentation.
Wellness and Mindfulness
At the Muse Festival, you can participate in two enriching sessions designed to promote wellness and mindfulness. Start your morning with “The Power of Breath – A Masterclass in Breathing,” where you will learn techniques to enhance your breathing for better physical and mental health. Later in the afternoon, join a “Demonstration on Singing Bowls,” a unique experience that introduces you to the soothing and meditative sounds of singing bowls. Each class is limited to 15 participants, ensuring a focused and intimate setting.
Pressed flower art Workshop
Get creative, slow down, and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature in a fresh, artistic way. Delve into the world of pressed flowers and botanical treasures to craft your very own floral artwork. It’s a way to capture the fleeting beauty of flowers and preserve it indefinitely.
All pre-pressed flowers used in the workshop are summer blooms from Mabu Bloom Flower Farm. Discover various pressed flower art styles and receive step-by-step guidance to craft your unique design.

Dankie aan ons borge en vennote